14 “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. … 15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then CHOOSE FOR YOURSELVES THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE, … But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24

Now CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD, LISTEN TO HIS VOICE AND HOLD FAST TO HIM. FOR THE LORD IS YOUR LIFE, Deuteronomy 30

We saw yesterday that the Lord spoke through Moses and commanded His people to CHOOSE HIM, for He was their LIFE and that message was repeated through Paul, He is also our LIFE.

28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ Acts 17

After Moses had instructed Israel to Love God and hold fast to Him, he presented Joshua as the leader whom God would use to bring them into Canaan, their Promised Land. Joshua and the Israelites fought and defeated many foreign kings to claim their inheritance. They had to put their lives on the line, but when they did God defeated more powerful enemies for them every time. As long as they walked with God they never lost a battle! I believe God is looking for such people today, whom He can use to bring in His Kingdom on this earth.

14 “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. … 15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then CHOOSE FOR YOURSELVES THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE, … But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

16 Then the people answered, “Far be it from us to forsake the Lord to serve other gods! Joshua 24

When we stand on the battlefield, facing our enemies and God’s enemies we cannot afford to be double-minded, our resolve to stand with God must be firm. Joshua like Moses, told the people to make their Choice and told them, ‘where he and his household stood – with the Lord’.

31 Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had experienced everything the Lord had done for Israel. Joshua 24

The Joshua generation served the Lord faithfully because of all they had experienced in their own lives, they remained loyal to the God of Israel. Sometimes the struggles in this life are the things which cause us to stand with God through our battles with the enemy. Life experience can be costly, but teaches us many valuable lessons. We cannot be ambivalent in our walk, we must Choose to Go With God, whatever the cost. He gives us victory, no matter the opposition.

24 “‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’

27 “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.” Numbers 6

God bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.


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