GO DO, Nathan’s word to David

Nathan replied to the king, “Whatever you have in mind, GO ahead and DO it, for the Lord is with you”. 2 Samuel 7:3

David was embarrassed that he was, ‘living in a palace of cedar, while the ark of God remains in a tent’. So Nathan(the kings of Israel had their own prophets and took counsel from them) said to him go ahead and do what you have in mind. In some Bibles(NKJV, ESV) the words, ‘GO, DO’ follow directly upon one another, like a short command.

Maybe like David you’ve had something in mind to do for the Lord but you’re just not sure if you should proceed or maybe you think it’s beyond your reach? Nathan’s words were, ‘GO DO’ for the Lord is with you. You’re not going in your own strength, ‘God is with you’.

I remember reading some time ago in one of Kenneth Hagin’s books about his way of knowing God’s will in any given situation. He said that if he’d prayed about something and didn’t feel a check in his spirit then he would tend to go ahead with it. He relied on the Lord stopping him if the task wasn’t for him. His default position was to ‘GO DO’. We all have limitations but we have a mighty God.

‘Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save nor His ear too dull to hear’. Isa 59:1

In David’s case V4, ‘That night the word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying… tell David his son will build me a temple’.

The ironic thing was that because David had in mind to build a house for God, he himself received from God an everlasting house. A greater blessing, beyond even a king’s capability. He did however make preparations for the building of the Temple of the Lord.

We only have one life to give for the Lord, so please, no matter how small or how large something you’ve been thinking about may seem, GO DO it.

Emmanuel, God is with us!

Fatherslove Ministry is available to seek prophetic words and to give personal counselling. Please contact us on our website,



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