Welcome the Fountain of life, escape the snares of death.

Early this morning I was reading in Proverbs 13(Proverbs has thirty one chapters, one for each day of the month) and I was struck by V14,

The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.

Proverbs 14:27 has very similar imagery,

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares or death.

Fountains are so visible, jets of water shooting high into the air and today often ornamental and with coloured lights, in town squares or places where people gather. Water, which is life in many places, springing forth in such abundance.

Snares, on the other hand, are usually hidden and often associated with death. Many people step into things in their lives and are unaware of the consequences of their actions until it’s too late. They’ve become entangled and ensnared or even enslaved by their own actions and decisions.

My first spiritual mentor lived for a time in a large city and was approached by a man promoting socialism( an ‘ism’ usually denotes a larger movement in society and often has no place for God, human based). He’d recently given his life to the Lord and he told the man, you’ve come too late(God’s timing and protection). A few weeks ago I’d probably have joined you, but now I have a new direction and purpose for my life.

God’s Spirit and Word in our lives, protects and insulates us from so many potentially dangerous influences. We instinctively recognise the risk and turn away before serious harm is done. We get a ‘spiritual innoculation’ against the snares in our world.

We can’t allow ourselves to become complacent however and we need to be walking purposefully with the Lord. That connection to our source needs to be as vibrant as those fountains, powerful and life giving. Think upon that the next time you see a fountain(or a picture/photo of fountains)  may they remind us of the need for the ongoing flow of God’s Spirit in our own lives.

God bless you.

Fathersloveministry is available to seek personal prophetic words and offers counselling. You can contact us on our website at;


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