3 By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
4 through knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24
We said yesterday that the building, establishing and furnishing of a house required wisdom, understanding and knowledge. It’s interesting that the last line of these verses pictures a beautifully finished home. Jesus spoke of our heavenly dwellings, but God wants to bless us here on earth as well. He gave Israel the best land, ‘The Beautiful Land’, so thank Him today for His Goodness and Faithfulness.
While speaking to the crowds the Lord reminded them to build their Houses/Lives upon the Rock, so that they would stand in the storms of this life. Jesus is to be our Rock or foundation in this life. Matthew 7
9 Wisdom has built her house;
she has hewn out its seven pillars. (SPEAKS OF PERFECTION)
2 She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; (A SATISFYING FEAST)
she has also set her table.
3 She has sent out her servants, and she calls
from the highest point of the city,
4 “Let ALL who are simple come to my house!” (OPEN TO ALL)
To those who have no sense she says,
5 “Come, eat my food
and drink the wine I have mixed. (WISDOM OFFERS RICH FOOD AND WINE)
6 Leave your simple ways and you will live;
walk in the way of understanding.” (PROMISE OF LIFE IN THE WAY OF WISDOM)
The first invitation in Proverbs 9 is from Wisdom, but if we fail to choose the way of wisdom another invitation comes to us – the way or house of Folly.
13 Folly is an unruly/loud woman;
she is simple and knows nothing.
14 She sits at the door of her house,
on a seat at the highest point of the city, (PROMINENT PLACE)
15 calling out to those who pass by,
16 “Let ALLL who are simple come to my house!”
To those who have no sense she says, (SAME INVITATION TO ALL)
17 “Stolen water is sweet;
food eaten in secret is delicious! (STOLEN AND HIDDEN, CAN’T BE ENJOYED WITH OTHER PEOPLE)”
18 But little do they know that the dead are there,
that her guests are deep in the realm of the dead. (THERE ARE TWO WAYS, DEATH AND LIFE, JESUS SAYS CHOOSE LIFE) Proverbs 9
This past weekend I heard someone say again, ‘What we BEHOLD/STEADILY LOOK UPON WE BECOME’.
Lord help us to look upon the good in our daily lives, to look upon You and not be ensnared by the invitations of Folly and death.
God bless and keep you today.