10 Then the prophet Hananiah took the yoke off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah and broke it, 11 and he said before all the people, ‘This is what the Lord says: “In the same way I will break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon off the neck of all the nations within two years.”’ At this, the prophet Jeremiah went on his way. Jeremiah 28
The enemy will often seek to misdirect the people of God, or at the very least to sow confusion in their midst. Judah had been carried off to Babylon, (they were very vulnerable) but those who remained in Jerusalem were still getting conflicting messages. The false prophet, Hananiah, was trying to mislead the people into believing Babylon would be overthrown and they’d soon have their Temple and nation back again. Jeremiah made an interesting statement about Hananiah’s prophecy;
9 But the prophet who prophesies peace will be recognised as one truly sent by the Lord only IF his prediction comes true.’
FALSE HOPE is very destructive for everyone, but especially for those who expect God to move in certain ways and it never comes to pass. Their faith in God can be seriously weakened or even destroyed.
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13
(The Message Bible)
Shortly after Jeremiah left the Lord spoke to him and he returned to speak to Hananiah and the others.
14 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: I will put an iron yoke on the necks of all these nations to make them serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and they will serve him. I will even give him control over the wild animals.”’
15 Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, ‘Listen, Hananiah! The Lord has not sent you, yet you have persuaded this nation to trust in lies. 16 Therefore this is what the Lord says: “I am about to remove you from the face of the earth. This very year you are going to die, because you have preached rebellion against the Lord.”’
God had to remove Judah from their own land to purify a people for Himself, that He could work with to bring about His purposes on earth. God took drastic action to cleanse His people, seventy years in exile and those left in Jerusalem didn’t survive at all. Part of that purification was the silencing of False Prophets who were still trying to mislead, despite most of Judah’s exile to faraway Babylon.
Jeremiah sent a letter to the exiles in Babylon, which in turn provoked another false prophet, Shemaiah, to attack God’s servant and God’s plans for the remnant of His people.
32 this is what the Lord says: “I will surely punish Shemaiah the Nehelamite and his descendants. He will have no one left among this people, nor will he see the good things I will do for my people, declares the Lord, because he has preached rebellion against me.” Jeremiah 29
God patience with Judah was spent, He now dealt severely with those who tried to misdirect and misguide them. Genuine prophetic voices today speak of a coming cleansing in His Church, particularly in leadership. God is building again for the future and much of the old ways may not survive the fire.
God bless and keep you today.