20 Mordecai recorded these events, and he sent letters to all the Jews throughout the provinces of King Xerxes, near and far,21 to have them celebrate annually the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar 22 as the time when the Jews got relief from their enemies, and as the month when their sorrow was turned into joy and their mourning into a day of celebration. He wrote them to observe the days as days of feasting and joy and giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor. Esther 9
The Festival of Purim begins at sunset tonight, the time when Jewish people celebrate their great deliverance by God whilst within the Persian Empire.
They usually observe four key duties during the Feast;
1. Give gifts to the poor.
2. Read the scroll of Esther, evening and morning in the synagogue.
3.Eat a festive meal together.
4. Give gifts to friends and family.
Purim is known as the jolliest day within the Jewish Calendar.
Haman, was promoted chief advisor to the king, but became enraged by Mordecai’s refusal to bow or acknowledge him. So he plotted, by drawing lots (occult scheming), to annihilate the whole Jewish race. God is never mentioned in the Book of Esther, but God had already placed Esther/Hadassah as Queen within the palace of King Xerxes. Mordecai had told Esther not to reveal her Jewish identity, God’s Timing is always perfect.
God allowed the enemy to proceed with his planned destruction of His people, but at the last minute He intervened through Esther who pleaded with King Xerxes, on her own behalf and her people.
3 Then Queen Esther answered, ‘If I have found favour with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life – this is my petition. And spare my people – this is my request. 4 For I and my people have been sold to be destroyed, killed and annihilated. Esther 7
The King was outraged that his Queen was under threat of her life and so Haman was revealed as the culprit. (Neither will God allow the enemy to destroy His people today)
9 Then Harbona, one of the eunuchs attending the king, said, ‘A pole reaching to a height of fifty cubits stands by Haman’s house. He had it set up for Mordecai, who spoke up to help the king.’
The king said, ‘Impale him on it!’ 10 So they impaled Haman on the pole he had set up for Mordecai. Then the king’s fury subsided. Esther 7
Haman was ‘Hoisted on his own petard’, or destroyed by his own scheme/poetic justice. The enemy may have thought then and now that God wasn’t able to prevent their plans, but in His time He simply used their own plotting to destroy them.
I believe it will not be so long before the Church and all God’s people will celebrate His deliverance in our times.
God is often not acknowledged or known in the present time, but His Hand is at work behind the scenes in human history to save those who love Him and ‘save many’ as He did through Joseph in Egypt.
“Chag Purim Sameach!” Happy Purim to all our Jewish friends.
God bless and keep you today.