Better Spirit led than man driven – Burnout too common today.
12 Then Esau said, “Let us be on our way; I’ll accompany you.” (NOPE, INCOMPATIBLE) Genesis 33
We’ve already looked at this verse previously, but it may be good to review it again. Esau had received his brother Jacob, glad to meet him after twenty years apart and Jacob had tried to soften their reunion by offering him some gifts. Now Esau was ready to be on the move again, back to Seir and he wanted Jacob to go with him.
11 Please accept the present that was brought to you, FOR GOD HAS BEEN GRACIOUS TO ME AND I HAVE ALL I NEED.” And because Jacob insisted, Esau accepted it.
13 But Jacob said to him, “My lord knows that THE CHILDREN ARE TENDER AND THAT I MUST CARE FOR THE EWES AND COWS THAT ARE NURSING THEIR YOUNG. If they are driven hard just one day, all the animals will die.
Jacob had worked twenty years for his wives, their children and his livestock. He’d already travelled a long way from Laban and knew well the pace that they could sustain. One day of forced march would destroy everything God had blessed him with. Other believers may consider that we’re moving too slowly, not enough happening, but steady progress is better than exhausted and dead sheep. (We never know what happened to all the stock Jacob gave Esau, no doubt some of his men brought them back to Seir at an easier pace.)
Others may be at a more productive season in their lives (before children come, or after they’re grown) when it’s right for them to push on and accomplish the work at hand. But even in busy periods of life there should be times of rest, to restore and refresh our souls and bodies. We need to discern and keep sustainable rhythms of work and rest for our lives. Jacob and Esau may never have been suited to travel together and we should be wise who we journey with through this life.
Rhythm (noun), a regularly repeated pattern, movement, beat or sequence of events. Comes from the Greek Rhythmos, rheein meaning TO FLOW. Chambers Dictionary
Better TO FLOW in a Steady continuous way than live in jerky, Stop Start lifestyle.
Peter went up on the roof to pray.10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. Acts 10
The Apostle Peter was alone on the roof of a house waiting for a meal to be prepared, when God spoke to him in a trance. This would lead to the birthing of the Gentile Church throughout the whole earth. Whether we like it or not GOD OFTEN, THOUGH NOT. ALWAYS, SPEAKS WHEN WE’VE SLOWED DOWN AND ARE STILL BEFORE HIM. Remember He can achieve more in moments than we can over our whole lifetime.
May God bless and keep you today.