30 When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister. So she said to Jacob, “GIVE ME CHILDREN, or I’ll die!” (Deepest yearning) Genesis 30:1

22 THEN GOD REMEMBERED RACHEL (one woman); HE LISTENED TO HER AND ENABLED HER TO CONCEIVE. 23 She became pregnant and gave birth to a son and said, “God has taken away my disgrace.” 24 She named him Joseph, and said, “MAY THE LORD ADD to me another son.” Genesis 30

Some believers may have a deep dissatisfaction in their lives, an unfulfilled longing, FOR SOMETHING MORE. Rachel was such a person, she longed for a child of her own, especially as her sister Leah had given Jacob many sons. Rachel’s longing had never faltered because God had ‘listened to her’ and helped her. It’s easy to lose hope when those around us seem to have all they want, but GOD REMEMBERED RACHEL.

Rachel became pregnant and happily gave birth to her son, Joseph. Jacob loved Rachel and Joseph was his favourite son. Joseph also became God’s instrument for delivering Israel and providing for them in Egypt. He had a special call on his life regarding God’s plans for Israel. We can’t make God do something He hasn’t planned for us, so we need to keep submitting our requests to His will. But for some people the preparation time may be longer (e.g. Moses waited forty years) and we shouldn’t give up our dreams.

Rachel named her son Joseph, meaning, ‘May He add’. God had answered her prayer for a son and so she asked for another. Perhaps we’ve received a portion of what our hearts long for, but we’re not fully satisfied. Rachel wanted another child. Don’t sell yourself short, with God all things are possible. God’s vision for us may be much bigger than we’re seeing at the moment. Press in for the more! We’re about to see the mighty works of God on earth and we want ALL HE HAS FOR US. Rachel knew she was much loved by Jacob and we are also much loved and part of Christ’s bride to be. God has an inspiring plan for all His Children, don’t give up, seek Him for the next part.

May God bless and keep you today.



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