We have to run to the finish line, don’t stop prematurely.
The reason I (Paul) left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left ‘Unfinished’ and appoint elders Titus 1:5 NIV
The Bible has much to say about Finishing what’s begun;
By the seventh day God Finished the work (creation) Gen 2:2
Jesus also had the mind set to Finish His work;
My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to Finish His work. John 4:34
For the very work that the Father has given Me to Finish… John 5:36
Finally on the cross, ‘It is Finished (paid in full)…’ John 19:30
Paul the apostle left Titus in Crete to ‘straighten out what was left unfinished’. Things were lacking in the Church and Paul wantedTitus to address them. The Bible says that apostles and prophets lay the foundation (which is Christ) for the Church, a ‘building metaphor’. But there are other offices; evangelists, pastors and teachers. Eph 4:11 Their duty is to build on the true foundation and finish the work! In the construction industry there are ‘finishing trades’ who don’t come in until the end of a project e.g. painters and floor layers. Some people are good at starting things and getting projects off the ground, that’s their strength, but others may be better at finishing, slower and more detailed work.
My second mentor, Kjell from Sweden, once gave a message on being faithful to finish things we’d begun. He said that it wasn’t honouring to God to leave a trail of unfinished tasks behind us. Some of us need to break the habit of starting things and leaving them too early. It may be that others who are good at finishing can help us. Paul also told Titus to, ‘straighten things out’. There may be problems or the enemy may be blocking something (things repeating, tasks left half finished) and specialist help may be needed. God sent my friend Kjell to many lands to resolve problems in churches and nations, he was a specialist in the realm of the spirit.
For most of us though, we may just lack the will to press through and finish the tasks we’ve begun (see anew the importance of completing our work, satisfaction for us and Glory for the Lord). We may need to address this and ask the Lord to help us. Half the battle is recognising the problem and then setting ourselves to finish whatever we start.
Speaking to the Corinthians Paul said, ‘ now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it‘. 2 Cor 8:11 NIV Being eager to start was good but it had to be completed.
Near the end of Paul’s life he also said triumphantly;
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7
Paul had Finished well and by God’s grace so can we.
Get into the habit of finishing what you begin and finishing well.
God bless and keep you today.