Keep yourself in HOPEFUL WAITING today.
but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing. Proverbs10
It’s so easy to believe the media and what other people say, which is often just repeating what they’ve filled their minds with from the TV etc. God says, ‘the prospect of the righteous is JOY’, He doesn’t lie.
27 The Fear-of-God EXPANDS YOUR LIFE (AMEN);
a wicked life is a puny life.
28 The aspirations of good people end in CELEBRATION;
the ambitions of bad people CRASH.
29 God is solid backing to a well-lived life,
but he calls into question a shabby performance. Proverbs 10:27-29 MSG
28 Abiding of just men is gladness; but the hope of wicked men shall perish. (HOPEFUL WAITING by the righteous shall lead to GLADNESS; ) Wycliffe Bible WYC
I hadn’t heard the words, ‘HOPEFUL WAITING’ before, but it’s something we need to take hold of today. We should continue to trust in our God and Wait in Hope for Him to deliver us, His people.
God bless and keep you today.