28 So Israel will live in safety; Jacob’s SPRING IS SECURE. Deuteronomy 33

29 BLESSED are you, O Israel! Deuteronomy 33

There were two men in the Bible who Blessed the whole family/nation of Israel, Jacob in Genesis 49 and Moses in Deuteronomy 33. On both occasions the Bible records the lengthy words of Blessing to ALL THE FAMILY/PEOPLE, none were left out and the next recorded events are their deaths. GOD DIRECTED THE FATHERS TO BLESS HIS PEOPLE, SO IT WAS IMPORTANT FOR ISRAEL TO HAVE THESE WORDS SPOKEN OVER THEIR LIVES, TWICE! God REPEATED THE BLESSINGS to two different generations.

This world system seeks to falsely represent God as Harsh and Judgemental, but the truth is that God is a God of Blessing. The devil is the one who continually works through cursing the people God has created in His image.

    16 with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness
who dwelt in the burning bush.
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph,
on the brow of the prince among his brothers. Deuteronomy 33

Joseph, who was Israel’s Deliverer, received a beautiful blessing for all he’d done for his brothers, once again one of the family.

23 About Naphtali he said:

‘Naphtali is abounding with the FAVOUR OF THE LORD
    he will inherit southward to the lake.’

Naphtali also received the Favour of God and his inheritance was proclaimed for him. (Ephesians 2:10 speaks of the good works prepared IN ADVANCE FOR US TO DO – our inheritance)

24 About Asher he said:

‘Most blessed of sons is Asher;
    and let him bathe his feet in oil.
25 The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze,
    and your strength will equal your days.

These blessings are all so positive; powerful words of destiny spoken over the individual and yet corporate sons and tribes of Israel.

Jacob was the natural father of the family and Moses was the spiritual father of the nation, both had the standing to speak blessings over the people. We too, can and should seek the blessing of such people in our own lives, if they are willing to give it to us.

28 So Israel will live in safety;
    Jacob’s SPRING IS SECURE (Our supply is Secure, especially in a time of drought!)
in a land of grain and new wine,
    where the heavens drop dew.

Before mains water became available, many farms depended on spring or well water to supply their animals. It was especially important that the spring kept flowing in dry periods, when it was most needed. IT WAS DRY TIMES THAT REALLY PROVED THE QUALITY OF THE SUPPLY. God promised Israel that their spring was secure, He’d never fail them nor us, His children. Hallelujah

God bless and keep you today.

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