The women of Jesus day followed Him to the end. Mark 15:40,41

Some women were watching from a distance(Jesus crucifixion). Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses and Salome. In Galilee(from the start of His Ministry) these women had followed Him and cared for His needs. MANY OTHER WOMEN who had come up with Him to Jerusalem were also there. Mark 15:40,41

We often don’t see the role women played in Jesus ministry, it’s almost as if they’ve been air brushed out of the picture. The above verses show that women were with Jesus from the beginning in Galilee until the crucifixion in Jerusalem.

After the crucifixion the first people to know of Jesus resurrection were the same two Marys, intending to honour Him with a last act of love and devotion(they got a wonderful surprise, He’d risen).

In the story of Mary and Martha, Mary sat at Jesus feet drinking in His teaching and His Spirit. Jesus didn’t rebuke her, instead He said she’d chosen the better part and it wouldn’t be taken from her. He welcomed her presence as He ministered in the home.

You are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, for all of you who were baptised into Christ have CLOTHED YOURSELVES WITH CHRIST(beautiful description of the believers). There is neither Jew nor Greek(God still has a covenant with the Jewish people but no distinction in Christ), slave nor free(imagine an enslaved person has the same standing in Christ as the free), MALE NOR FEMALE, FOR YOU ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST. Galatians 3:26,27

We have a lady friend who often says that this is the age when women will rise up and do mighty exploits in the Kingdom. She says that women will be right at forefront in these days. Anyone, in Christ, who is called to lead will have an anointing and an authority to stand in that position(my own viewpoint).

My experience of the physical harvest is that it’s so demanding, absolutely everyone will be needed(including children). Jesus needed the women of His day, from the start of His Ministry until the end to help complete His calling.

On the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, it says the Spirit will be poured out on all flesh. This obviously includes men and women and is clearly evident in the body today. God is empowering all people(believers of course) to do the works of the Kingdom in these days.

There is much in the media today about equal rights and equal pay for women in the workplace. Anything can be taken to excess, but ladies please stand up and embrace your calling today. You may face opposition but your gifting will make a way for you to fulfill all He’s calling you to do.

God bless you and give you wisdom and determination to find and fulfill your fullest destiny in Christ.

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