13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, AND AFTER YOU HAVE DONE EVERYTHING TO STAND. 14 STAND FIRM THEN… Ephesians 6
These are days when many believers are having to do just that, Standing Firm and for a lot of us, we may not have been through this before.
This scripture says ‘After you have done everything’; everything we can do and it still hasn’t worked out, THEN WE MUST STILL STAND FIRM. Johnny Enlow USA has an interesting perspective on this and much else. He said that before the last Presidential Election and the controversial result that followed, there had been great unity in the Body of Christ in America, perhaps the most in many years. People had held large gatherings and prayed with fasting, sincerely seeking God for the right outcome. (Johnny acknowledged that all these things were right and good.) The election result, however, was not what had been hoped for by the Believers; it was a huge disappointment. Then many believed that the result would be overturned within a certain time frame, but once again it hasn’t been (God is still in control). The point being made was that God heard the prayers of His people but had His own agenda involving deep seated corruption in America and many other nations e.g. the current fighting in Europe. We must understand that God’s ways may not be our ways and He sees everything exactly as it is, nothing is hidden from His eyes. He is going after something much bigger than a single election result, but most believers don’t understand and are baffled.
So sometimes after we have done everything, we still have to Stand Firm. Paul exhorted believers to do this many times, no doubt as a result of opposition and persecution.
13 Be on your guard; Stand Firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 14 DO EVERYTHING IN LOVE. 1 Corinthians 16
Paul urged the Corinthian believers to Stand Firm and be bold. It’s interesting in the next verse he tells them, ‘Do everything in Love’. Don’t get carried away and let the Flesh take over, we’re still God’s Children and need to act from that position.
8 He will also keep you FIRM to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, IS FAITHFUL. 1 Corinthians 1
God Himself will help us to Stand Firm, as we are willing to trust Him on our journey.
Neither can we trust the media of our day, in fact the truth is often the direct opposite of what they’re broadcasting, over and over, many times daily. We must ask the Lord to show us things as He sees them, the Truth. We may not understand everything at once, but He will guide us.
God bless and keep you today.