The Parable of the ten virgins, again unique to Matthew’s Gospel, Matt 25:1-13.
It may just be in my experience but this parable seems to be more spoken on in these days, hence the message contained in it may be being highlighted by God’s Spirit for our day. It also follows on from Matt 24, Jesus discourse on the End of the Age.
V1 At that time(this parable relates to a certain period of time) the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins(no problem with these ten people, all were pure) who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
A marriage is usually a time of celebration and joy, two parties joining together and looking forward to sharing life with one another.
However, V2, five of the virgins are immediately labelled as foolish, fifty per cent did not show good judgement. The wise ‘took oil in jars along with their lamps’. The OIL is what sets them apart and makes the crucial distinction in the group of ten(the figure ten usually denotes government).
The bridegroom was a long time coming and all alike became drowsy and fell asleep. It used to be a court martial offence in the army to fall asleep on duty.
V6 At midnight the cry rang out, “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him”. The whole focus of the story is the coming of the bridegroom, once he arrives the wedding banquet can begin.
All ten virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, our LAMPS ARE GOING OUT’. No they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you, go to those who SELL OIL AND BUY SOME FOR YOURSELVES’.
Waiting seems to be something that causes many people of God to become undone eg Saul, Israel’s first king.
The all important oil could not be borrowed, only enough for each individual to meet their own needs! Go and buy some for yourselves, the oil had to be purchased.
The virgins WHO WERE READY WENT IN WITH HIM, but the others who came later couldn’t get inside to the feast. What a sad story, the right people came and endured the wait but they weren’t ready when the bridegroom arrived.
OIL represents the Spirit and we need to have the Spirit of God in our lives. The lamps without the OIL/Spirit gave no light! They were in darkness! We cannot be walking without the Spirit, maybe by this world’s light and hope to be ready when the bridegroom(Jesus) comes.
Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. A solemn warning in the last verse, 13.
May we be ready when He comes and may we be welcomed into the wedding supper of the lamb of God. All our problems will be forgotten on that joyous day.