9 And LET US not grow weary of doing good, for IN DUE SEASON we will reap, if we do not give up. Gal. 6:9 ESV

And LET US not grow weary of doing good, for IN DUE SEASON we will reap, if we do not give up. Gal. 6:9 ESV

I was given the above scripture for my birthday recently, an encouragement to persevere/keep going in serving the Lord. The verse begins ‘Let Us’, which caught my attention because I’ve been listening to a series of podcasts by Derek Prince entitled, ‘Twelve Steps to a good New Year’. All of the steps are taken from the letter to the Hebrews and begin with the phrase ‘Let Us’. Derek Prince said this phrase suggests making resolutions, like New Year Resolutions, and also it’s for the Body of Believers, ‘Us’ is plural. He also suggests memorising the steps to take them forward into the year ahead.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A MAN REAPS WHAT HE SOWS. Whoever sows to please their flesh (Sinful Nature or Old Man) from the flesh will reap destruction; WHOEVER sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for AT THE PROPER TIME WE WILL REAP A HARVEST IF WE DO NOT GIVE UP. Galatians 6 NIV

Paul, led by the Holy Spirit, comes to these thoughts near the end of his letter to the Church in Galatia. He basically says that everyone is sowing their lives and substance into something and we’re all going to reap a harvest. (Harvest of our Life) The verses only give two options, sowing to the Flesh or to the Spirit and both will produce a harvest. Whatever we sow to the Spirit will produce a harvest for eternal life, with the Father and Son.

10 THEREFORE (because of what’s been said), as we have opportunity, LET US DO GOOD TO ALL PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY to those who belong to the FAMILY OF BELIEVERS. 

Paul told the Galatians to do good to others, especially fellow believers, that’s part of our sowing to produce a harvest. It’s what we do for others, not ourselves, that’s going to produce our own harvest!

In Luke 16, Jesus told the Parable of the Shrewd Manager, unique to Luke’s Gospel. The manager was accused of wasting his master’s possessions and was going to lose his job. He pondered what to do to provide for his future. While still in work he decided to call in those who owed his master money and had them reduce the amounts they owed. They would then welcome him when he was no longer working, because he’d saved them money. Jesus commended the manager because he’d planned ahead and made provision for his future.

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. Luke 16

Jesus told His listeners to sow now, so that they would be welcomed into ‘eternal dwellings’. The way we use our time, talents and possessions now, will determine our eternal future.

God bless and keep you in these days.

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