A Review of some lessons from the Book of Ruth

A Review of some lessons from the Book of Ruth

Ruth 1:3-5, sometimes God has to bring things in our lives to death before we are ready to move on. Death of situations and relationships can mark new beginnings in our lives.

The voice of human reason can never take us to our destiny, it doesn’t know the way. Ruth(type of the Church) made a vow to follow Naomi(type of the Spirit), a Divine relationship;

Ruth 1:16, Don’t urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.
Maybe we, like Ruth, need to rededicate our lives to follow Him no matter what challenges come in this New Year.

Ruth 2:8, Ruth worked in Boaz(type of the Lord) harvest field and He specifically told her to stay there! In the Lord’s harvest field, there is protection and provision. Working outside His field is risking harm to ourselves and others.
Ruth 2:16, He told the others ‘not to rebuke her’, He can do that for us today.

Ruth had two encounters with Boaz, one public in the harvest field, where she worked hard. The second lying alone at his feet throughout the night on the floor. Naomi told her to prepare for this meeting, wash and perfume, best clothes to be her most attractive. It was the latter that determined her destiny, as a bride. There is a place for work and service but the Lord is coming back for a bride.

The Book of Ruth is a picture in miniature of our walk with the Lord;
Begins with famine and death, includes a demanding journey and ends with harvest and new life.

May we find His harvest field and His destiny for us in this year of 2020.

In Romans 15:27 Paul states that if we share in spiritual blessings then we owe it to share our material blessings. We would very much appreciate a donation if you are being blessed by this ministry;


Fathers Love Ministry is also available to seek prophetic words and provide prophetic counselling, with a prior donation, for people in this New Year. Please go to our website to explore the services available;


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