A loving relationship(Naomi and Ruth) that leads to honour and a place in history.
Ruth’s second encounter with Boaz results in further blessing. He confirms her as a woman of noble character Ruth 4:11. Ruth spent the night waiting at his feet, a place of humility, 4:14 and Boaz gave her barley to take back to Naomi, another gift.
The outcome of that personal encounter with Boaz was another formal meeting at the town gate with the ten elders present(a minyan) to witness a transaction. Boaz acknowledges the right of an unidentified kinsman to buy the land from Naomi but although he declares his interest in the land, he won’t accept the relationship as any offspring may put ‘his estate’ at risk. This speaks to me of wanting the things of God, even spiritual things, but not relationship with God. Some biblical websites say the other kinsman is a picture of the Law.
The transaction is concluded with Boaz buying the land and acquiring Ruth, the foreigner, as his wife. Taking off the sandal, Ruth 4:8, symbolises giving up the right to walk on the land.
All this resulted from Ruth’s refusal to leave Naomi, to cling to her no matter what the personal cost. Naomi, a type of the Spirit and whose name means pleasant, guided Ruth throughout her journey and significantly in her new life in Bethlehem.
The book ends with Ruth, the Moabitess, becoming the mother of a son, Obed, the grandfather of King David, Ruth 4:22 and in the direct line of the Messiah!
I believe the Story of Ruth is a microcosm, a picture in miniature, of our own lives and walk with the Lord.
It begins with famine and death, an arduous journey and hard labour, but ends with harvest and life!
May God bless you as you walk with Him, adopted into His family and the certain promise of an eternal home.