Make Christ the Head, in your home and everywhere. Colossians 1 & 3

You’re more than a conqueror,

A  couple of lines from the old chorus, “Worthy, O worthy, are you Lord”, acknowledging the Lordship of Christ.

A dear brother from Jerusalem, the late Lance Lambert, was once asked if he had to give one piece of advice concerning the Christian believer’s life and walk, what it would be? Lance Lambert was a Hebrew scholar and a powerful orator and preacher of the Gospel, but his answer was quite brief;

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, SO THAT IN EVERYTHING HE MIGHT HAVE THE SUPREMACY. Col 1

In everything, ‘Christ must have the Supremacy’. Christ must be First in everything in our lives.

Christianity for many people in the UK is a religion – I call it ‘Churchianity’, for it is merely a ritual, with little attention paid to the Jesus of the Bible. David Pawson

In the life of Martin Luther, when a monk, he sought to ‘save  himself’ by following some religious practices. He prayed to saints three times a day, flogged himself, visited Rome and climbed the holy steps on his knees, but he found no peace! He was asked by his Superior, ‘If you take away all these things, what will you put in their place?’. Luther answered, ‘CHRIST, MAN ONLY NEEDS JESUS CHRIST Christ’ and so began the Protestant Reformation. Religion is always ‘Christ Plus’, doing something more in our own flesh, which is really saying Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary wasn’t enough.

Paul goes on in Colossians 3 to speak of believers living together in Peace and ends the chapter with a section on ‘Rules for Christian Households’.

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Lydia Prince, first wife of the late Derek Prince, was called by God to leave her native Denmark and go to live as a missionary in Jerusalem. She became a Mother to orphaned children in Israel. She involved the children in praying to God for their needs, often for food. Then when the food arrived, maybe left in a bag at their door, she would tell them God had answered, so the children had an active prayer life from an early age, some were Spirit filled at six years old.

“Going to church doesn’t interest me nearly as much as to see that CHRIST IS THE RULER IN THE HOME! THAT HE IS THE HEAD, that we have peace in our homes and that we have harmony, that’s where we can hear the voice of the Lord”. Lydia Prince, Mother In Israel, Part 2 YouTube.

Lydia Prince lived in an atmosphere of miracles, through her prayer and the prayers of the children she loved. Christ was the Head in their home and she heard His Voice there.

God bless and keep you today.


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