Ruth continued
The voice of reason will not take us to our destiny, it doesn’t know the way!
The voice of the heart or spirit will take us to our destiny if we walk by faith.
Naomi and Ruth arrived In Bethlehem(means house of bread) just as the barley harvest was beginning, around our month of April. This also meant that they made the long journey on foot from Moab before the hottest times of summer. The whole town was stirred because of them and the people talked about their coming, Ruth 1:19. Their arrival caused a stir, even during the busy time of harvest.
Naomi(a type of the Spirit) and Ruth(type of the Church) were called to walk together. Naomi leading the way and the younger Ruth carrying the burden through the dry land around the Dead Sea area.
Ruth immediately became involved in the harvest, picking up the leftovers. She started at the very bottom but found herself gleaning in the field of Boaz(kinsman redeemer, type of the Lord). Boaz told her not to go working in anyone else’s field as that could be risky, Ruth 2:8. We live in a hostile world and need to be careful that we are serving in the right place and at the right time. Boaz, the Lord, commanded his workers to look out for Ruth and allowed her to drink with his workers.
This is a beautiful picture of the Lord’s protection and care for a hard working church in the time of the harvest. We need to make sure however that the place where we’re serving is the Lord’s field for us, provision and protection are provided there. Many however go into other fields and put themselves and others at risk. Harvest is a totally demanding time, working to tight deadlines to save the crop. Working in a harvest requires all hands, absolutely everyone will be used and needed.
Ruth’s hard work was noticed and blessed, the Lord of the harvest left grain, the valuable part for her and Naomi to live on. The real blessing or future gain came not just in the work of her hands but in the guidance of Naomi. Once again, a beautiful picture of blessing on two levels, immediate physical needs met and a step into future destiny.
Be sure to ask the Lord for His field for your life today and know that His blessing will meet you there.
To be continued