Who gets the glory, God or us?

A good idea but not a God idea, an initiative not of God.

In 1 Samuel 4 we read of the defeat of the Israelites by the Philistines. They had an idea V3, let US bring the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Shiloh, so that it(or He) may go with us and save us from the hand of our enemies.

Israel decided to do something by their own understanding
that directly affected the honour of their God. Surely God would not allow the Philistines to conquer them again and capture the ark of His covenant, but God cannot be so easily manipulated. Man wants to do things his way and achieve his outcome without yielding to God and acknowledging His Lordship.

The result was a mighty shout in the camp, V5 When the ark of the Lord’s covenant came into the camp, all Israel(the whole camp shouted as one) raised such a great shout that the ground shook.

How many initiatives, how many praise meetings today have their origins in the ‘Let US’ mentality. The mighty shout in the camp of Israel ultimately meant nothing, their enemy still defeated them(30,000 died). God did not feel obligated to fight for them! They were going to battle on their own initiative and they failed.

We cannot bend God to our will, we must go with Him. His will is always best, no glory for the flesh. In the story of Gideon the reason given for God so drastically reducing Israel’s army was so they would not claim the glory. If God is behind a work He must get all the glory. Jesus said when we have done everything we are still unworthy servants. Maybe that’s something we need to ask ourselves before embarking on a new course, who will get the honour and glory for this, us or God?

As we come towards the threshold of the New Year we need to make sure that the things we put our hands to are approved by Heaven. It won’t matter how great the shouts of men, God must be in it for anything of value to be achieved.

May you be blessed and be led of heaven in these important days approaching the New Year.

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