David’s first cautious step into kingship – he asked God if he should go up to Judah and where. God told him, ‘to Hebron’. 2 Samuel 2
Look or Check before you leap is still wisdom, especially if it’s something we ourselves are drawn towards. Derek Prince said that life had taught him when someone phoned and asked if he would speak for them, to say he’d pray about it. God knows what’s right for us, if we’ll ask Him. DAVID ALWAYS SOUGHT TO KEEP THE LINE OF COMMUNICATION WITH GOD OPEN!
So David and his men and all their wives and families went up to Hebron and settled there. It must have been a blessing for them after so many years on the move, being chased for their lives.
4 Then the men of Judah came to Hebron, and there they anointed David king over the tribe of Judah.
David’s calling as God’s anointed had finally been recognised by one tribe of the people. The 600 men and their wives and families who’d travelled with David for so many years, no longer had his undivided attention. David was king over Judah and the people who’d been with him longest had to adjust to the new situation. This can be a major cause of division, if close friends are unable to accept that others have a call on ‘their’ leader’s time and attention. We must strive to keep our hearts free from anger and malice when God ordains change. This may well be about to happen in the Church today!
Judah anointed David as their king, just one tribe and Abner, the commander of Saul’s army made Ish-Bosheth, Saul’s son, king over Israel. 2 Samuel 2:8, 9 The majority were still tied to the ‘Old Regime’ and they fought to keep it alive. The whole nation of God’s people were surrounded by enemies and yet there was continued in-fighting over who should lead them. The majority hung onto the past, even though Saul and three of his sons had died. Sounds a lot like the Church of today, surrounded by powerful enemies, but often fighting each other because of internal differences. There may well be a Time of Transition into God’s new season, but the Church can’t be fighting one another when there are so many souls at stake. That’s totally the wrong battle for the people of God.
David’s first recorded act as King of Judah was to remember and honour the brave men of Jabesh Gilead;
When David was told that it was the men from Jabesh Gilead who had buried Saul, 5 he sent messengers to them to say to them, ‘The Lord bless you for showing this kindness to Saul your master by burying him. 6 May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favour because you have done this. 7 Now then, be strong and brave, FOR SAUL YOUR MASTER IS DEAD, and the people of Judah have anointed me king over them.’
David honoured the bravery of the men who had marched all night and taken the dead bodies off the walls and buried them. He encouraged them to be brave, because Saul was no more and now he was king of Judah. He honoured the past but pointed on towards the future God had ordained.
God bless and keep you today, in these times of change.