Has the Church entered a new era with many battles and victories, as Israel did on the death of King Saul?

Has the Church entered a new era with many battles and great victories ahead, as Israel did after Saul perished.

The Book of 1 Samuel ends in chapter 31 with the death of Saul, his three sons and all his men. 1 Samuel 31:6 The defeat in battle caused many of God’s people in Israel to flee from their homes and the enemy to occupy their land. The first result after the defeat in battle was a loss of territory, seemed as if Israel had taken a backward step. The truth, however, was that God would never bless Saul and his supporters (similar to Eli the priest and his sons). God’s leader and a new ethos had to be raised up before victory could begin unfold for His people. The seeming backward step was God’s way of positioning His people for moving towards the greatest era of their nation’s history.

The Philistines humiliated Israel by dishonouring the bodies of Saul and his sons, exposing them on the wall of Beth Shan. But some brave men from Jabesh Gilead, heard about it and went and took the bodies down and buried them at Jabesh and fasted for seven days. The Biblical account of Saul and his sons apparently gives more honour to them in death than in life. Valiant men risked their lives to remove the dishonour to the body of King Saul and his sons. The Lord’s body was also taken down from the cross properly buried before Sabbath began.

2 Samuel begins with David learning of the death of Saul and Jonathan, his true friend. David showed genuine remorse at the death of his former enemy;

11 Then David and all the men with him took hold of their clothes and tore them. 12 They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the Lord and for the nation of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword. 

David was admired by the people in Israel because he often did the right thing and publicly honoured those whom he believed were worthy of it. We also are under public scrutiny and it’s good to remember that we represent the Lord here on earth. David honoured Saul before his men and led them in mourning him, even though some of them had twice urged David to take his life.

The young Amalekite who’d brought David the news and how he’d finished slaying Saul, wasn’t so fortunate. David asked why he hadn’t been afraid to kill the Lord’s anointed and then had him put to death. David believed that anyone who lifted his hand against a man anointed by God was deserving of death. We should learn from David’s example and refuse to attack those in authority in the Church today, especially those with different views to our own.

The Word records that the young Amalekite did bring Saul’s crown and arm band to David.  The things Saul had worn as King were presented to David immediately after his death.

10 ‘So I stood beside him and killed him, because I knew that after he had fallen he could not survive. And I took the crown that was on his head and the band on his arm and have brought them here to my lord.’

David was given the physical emblems to succeed Saul as leader of God’s people. He would soon be confirmed in that role.

God bless and keep you today.

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