The person with an experience is never at the mercy of the one with an argument.

Sometimes it’s good to learn from those who’ve gone before us in the faith, but we need to realise that God has more for each subsequent generation.

I’ve spoken many times on this blog about the two God given Spiritual Fathers I had in the Faith. The first was very much local, based in N.Ireland and called Eddie, who got me moving in the gifts and speaking a little publicly. I had asked the Lord for someone moving in the gifts of the Spirit. I remember praying to the Lord and He said to me, ‘you asked Me to lead you to someone using the gifts and I LED YOU TO EDDIE’. The Lord ordained that connection in my life, part of His unique plan for me.

The second Father was Kjell (pronounced like ‘shell’) Sjoberg, who travelled the nations and ministered powerfully in prophetic intercession. He received strategies from heaven, how to pray for cities and peoples. I travelled to different nations as part of Prayer Teams with him and saw many wonderful things. I also met believers from other nations and travelled and ministered with them. The first land I visited after my initial prayer trip was Israel which was a wonderful experience. So in just over six months I’d been on a prayer trip around Spain and a trip to a conference in Israel, God had greatly widened my ministry experience.

Derek Prince gave a quote from someone unknown, ‘that the person with an EXPERIENCE WOULD NEVER BE AT THE MERCY OF SOMEONE WITH AN ARGUMENT’. When we’ve once experienced something personally in our own lives, it doesn’t matter how persuasive the argument against it, we’re unlikely to change. God in His wisdom, will allow each of us to experience certain truths in different ways that He wants to establish in our lives, like Pillars in our understanding. This process is not just a one time event, but is definitely part of His ongoing plan for our lives.

I have also mentioned before that on a trip to Israel with my wife Anne (her first visit), she felt that she needed something more from her trip. We’d gone into the coffee shop at Christ Church, just inside the Jaffa Gate and met a large man in a suit and bow tie sitting by a fire. He began to talk to me as I ordered tea and I recognised him as Canon Andrew White, known as the Vicar of Baghdad. He invited us to join him, gave Anne three signed books and shared Communion with us, in Aramaic, the language of Jesus. He also shared a word with us that he’d heard from the Lord when we came into the cafe. Our loving Father knew the desire in our hearts for something more and blessed us in a very special and personal way, which was perfect for us.

We can’t build our lives on experience alone, but neither should we dismiss the wonderful things that God has woven into our lives. They make us who we are in Christ and who we will be for eternity.

May the Lord continue to bless us with many wonderful signs of His special love and care for us.

God bless and keep you today.


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