Is God calling Today, to bless faithful servants or give back what the enemy has stolen. 2 Kings 4

Is God Calling Today to bless faithful servants or to give some back what the enemy has stolen?

Elisha wasn’t a great conversationalist if we take the Biblical account in 2 Kings 4;

V12 CALL the Shunammite (to repay her kindness), V15 CALL her (she’ll give birth to a son), V36 CALL the Shunammite (give her back her son).

Some people have been serving for a long time, blessing others in His Body without looking for reward, but is God saying I’ve seen your dedication and sacrifice? Giving isn’t always about money, the Shunammite looked for a way to meet the needs of God’s servant and bless him. So is God Calling some faithful and much loved servants to recognise and repay them for their kindness in the Body?

This woman had helped provide for Elisha and been faithful to meet his needs for a long time, from the first meal, then the room on the roof, finally the birth of a son. She’d been a dedicated servant to the man of God and her service had been recognised. We often have a tendency to keep on doing what we’ve been used to doing, but A DAY CAME WHEN ELISHA SAID, WHAT CAN BE DONE FOR YOU?

When her son died the Shunammite set off to find the man of God, she PURSUED him with a desperate need. This time Elisha didn’t know what had happened, ‘Leave her alone. She is in bitter distress, but the Lord has hidden it from me and has not told me why’. Elisha could see her anguish but didn’t know the cause, he started in the natural but didn’t end there. The National prophet of Israel didn’t know straight away what her problem was but he talked with her and heard about her son, the ONLY ONE SHE’D TOLD.

30 But the child’s mother said, ‘As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.’ So he got up and followed her.

She’d found Elisha and she wasn’t going to let him go until she was sure her son was alive again. Elisha had to go to the boy himself and minister to him in that upper room. He had to begin in the natural, but moved into the miraculous, the boy was restored to his mother. The restoration took a lot more personal input from the prophet than the original declaration that she would nurse a son within a year.

God is good, He sees our service and looks to reward those who are faithful to Him. The Shunammite sought Elisha for her son, she held on and God restored her blessing. God longs to bless His children and show His Love toward us.

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God god bless and keep you today.

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