The prophet was coming their way – HELLO!
9 She said to her husband, ‘I know that this man who OFTEN COMES OUR WAY is a holy man of God. 2 Kings 4
IF we want to do ‘More’ in the Kingdom look out for those who are crossing our paths! I know a mature prophet in Ireland who was asking the Lord for someone to work with and travel with in ministry. He met an older brother from Canada with a very different type of teaching and preaching ministry and they did a couple of trips together. The Irish prophet was talking to the other brother and actually said to him that he needed a ministry partner to travel with. To which the older replied, ‘what do you think I am?’ A perceptive prophet overlooked the obvious, the man who’d ‘Come his way’ from God. The packaging or outer appearance may be different from what we expected, but God knows the end result He needs to achieve.
Social standing amongst people does not equate to authority or status in the Kingdom. When we look with our natural eyes we won’t see as God sees and may completely miss God’s paths. The Shunammite lady was someone of standing and she could feed the prophet and make a simple room for Elisha on the roof. Elisha carried the authority of God on his life and as we saw yesterday, she came to him when she was called. She had to leave her place and go up to him to receive her reward from the Lord. Take Note, In Kingdom matters the natural roles were reversed.
41 Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. Matthew 10:41
The kindness and faithful service of the Shunammite to a servant of God, literally OPENED A NEW DIMENSION TO HER LIFE AND THAT MAY BE WHAT GOD WANTS FOR YOU. Sacrificial Service doesn’t mean giving up our place in the Lord, but recognising and honouring someone else’s standing.
We also need to recognise God’s chain of blessing operating in this account. The Shunammite supplied or helped the prophet, but she in turn needed a miracle to bring forth new life, a son. Elisha was her only possibility of fulfilling that deep desire/need and if she’d failed to honour him the new life would never have come forth. A sober thought on which to end a beautiful story.
Who or what are you sending into my life today Lord – don’t let me miss them. Help me to recognise and respond fully to your messengers.
God bless and keep you today.