1 Corinthians 16: 14 Amp Version.
Let everything you do be done in love (true love to God and man as inspired by God’s love for us).
Yesterday was supposed to be a special day in the calendar where we show love to each other ….. I know for many this sadly might not have been the case, but as Christians we should be showing it every day and not just yesterday.
John the Apostle tells us that if we do not love…..We do not know God .
GOD IS LOVE 1 John 4:18.
We need to demonstrate love every day to people we find it difficult to be around and not just some days.
Oh what precious love we carry as God’s children.
We are His ambassadors and we need to show His love to all mankind.
I was in Nigeria a few years back and I was being taken to a meeting. I was amazed by the volume of horns being blasted so I said to the driver .. is this how you show love. That man told me later that God used me to speak to him.
I was in a place where God could use me.
The love of God melts the hearts of people because there is no love like it.
Love is the currency of Heaven…. and we carry that love because of Jesus on the inside of us . Keep using that currency.
Love demonstrates itself in action. When was the last time you did something to demonstrate the love of God to someone who was not your husband or wife.
Sometimes we need to view that person through the eyes of Jesus.
That very thought can transform relationships in our workplace or family.
Jesus went to the cross in love for that other person as well as going to the cross for us.
Our thoughts, feelings and actions should be done with Godly love towards God and everyone else.
I thank God for His love and mercy while I was still a sinner .