Times of great fruitfulness amidst times of pressure.

Does this time of global crisis(pandemic) herald the next great advance for the Kingdom of God?

It’s interesting to read how God’s plan to redeem mankind unfolds in the Book of Genesis. Firstly through Abraham, brought out from his own people(a SHIFT) to the land of Canaan. Then came Isaac(the miracle child) who was blessed in that land, but didn’t take a wife there, didn’t mix with the idolatry of Canaan. Finally the story of Jacob, who took his brother’s birthright and blessing.

Jacob’s life was under threat from his brother Esau and he had to flee from the land of his inheritance to his uncle Laban. Jacob left Canaan with his staff and returned after twenty years with four wives and eleven sons. In the dislocation(or SHIFT) from the land Jacob became the patriarch of a large family. God’s plan had increased from an INDIVIDUAL to a FAMILY during the long period of DISRUPTION in Jacob’s life. The greatest fruit came in the time of pressure, when Jacob was alone with God in a distant land, far from all who knew him.

Next came the story of Joseph who was also torn from his father’s house and enslaved in Egypt (Both Jacob and Joseph had no choice  in their SHIFTS, but God watched over them while His plans unfolded). God had decreed that Famine would strike the land of Egypt and Canaan was also affected. Jacob would never have left Canaan because he knew God had promised to bless him there, but he had to do something to feed his large family and so they looked to Egypt. Joseph was there in control of the grain stores. This was another GREAT SHIFT for the people of God, they all went down to Egypt and became a NATION there. In the time of greatest pressure, the plans of God continued to develop  towards the day when the Messiah came and ALL PEOPLE/GENTILES  could turn and know God(another huge SHIFT for the followers of God of that day).

In Genesis chapters 42 & 43 Joseph met his brothers again, though they didn’t know him. The time had come for Joseph to be reconciled to his brothers. The time for Israel and the Church to be reconciled may also be near(there are Jewish believers today) but God has Covenanted that ALL ISRAEL(the Remnant) will be saved.

In Genesis 43:32 the Egyptians wouldn’t eat with the Hebrews, they ate separately with Joseph. (The Bible tells us that there are cities in the land of Egypt that will turn to God at the end). There may be those of Egypt(World) who will never sit with God’s people.

Is God about to direct the Church into Egypt and increase His People greatly before the Lord returns? The world has changed and man has had no say in it. I believe we are on the eve of the great Endtime Harvest.

Great Fruitfulness under Great Pressure – irrelevant things will fall away as we need the Lord for these times.

God bless and keep you in these changing times.





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