Trusting God (A)

Proverbs 3:5-6 Amplified Version.

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognise,and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

Two very well known verses of Scripture.

To be able to trust someone you have to know them very well.
We would never trust people we do not know.

We need to be able to place our hearts at the feet of Jesus, and by doing so it leaves us no room to be anxious or allow the enemy to sow doubt in our minds.

To lean not on your own understanding causes us to lean into the everlasting arms of Jesus…. what a precious place to be resting.

Today I was sharing some things with Graham(my husband) and he said for us get God’s best we have to allow God to choose what is best.
Waiting on God bringing the best to us means being patient and that is something we can all find difficult.

God is never in a hurry BUT HE is never late so please be patient and acknowledge Him in ALL things and He will make the path plain for you to see and walk in it.

Allow God to choose the best path for you today as it really does begin with trust and ends with God.

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