And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
If it feels like we’re stuck in a prison it may be difficult to believe that God is directing our lives for His best purposes, but He’s always wants the best for us.
Joseph had his two dreams, one of his brothers’ corn sheaves bowing down to his and the second of the sun and moon(his parents) and the 11 stars bowing to him. God had a destiny planned for Joseph and He has one planned for each of us as well. Joseph’s destiny lay apart from his family, in a foreign land where he was a slave. The Lord had blessed him in Potiphar’s house but that was only for a time and he finally ended up in prison. Joseph couldn’t see any way out the prison but God was working; two of Pharaoh’s servants were incarcerated in the same prison. They eventually had dreams and Joseph interpreted their dreams accurately. Pharaoh’s cupbearer was reinstated and his baker was executed.
A further 2 years passed before Pharaoh also had dreams about the coming situation for the land of Egypt (God gave a national dream to the national ruler). God’s time had come to raise Joseph from the ‘prison to the palace’ as some speakers describe it. God given dreams that could only be interpreted by God’s man, His unique way of bringing Joseph into Pharaoh’s presence and with a proven track record. So Joseph interpreted the dreams(through God) and told Pharaoh the application to save Egypt. He became second in command of all Egypt because that was God’s destiny and purpose for his life.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:8, 9
If we are always sure of the way our lives must go, it’s probably not God! He does give us understanding in certain situations but His ways are higher. Derek Prince had a series of talks entitled, ‘If you want God’s best’ and the first condition was, ‘If you want God’s best – Let God Choose’. God knows far better than us the ‘best way’ for us to go.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
I was listening to a talk by Dutch Sheets (on the Give Him 15 series) and he brought out that the original meaning of this verse includes the thought that God has ‘measured us’ like a tailor for the tasks assigned for us. We are ‘tailor made’ for our calling. Our flesh, which has to be crucified, may struggle with that as Joseph did. However, when we are led by the Spirit there is a grace and enabling to fulfill our calling, our reason for being here.
May God bless and keep us today as we fulfill our God ordained destiny.