O give thanks to the Lord,
All you His people,
O give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
Let us praise, let us thank,
Let us celebrate and dance,
O give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
Isaiah 63:7 I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord,
The deeds for which He is to be praised,
According to all the Lord has done for us
– yes, the many good things He has done for Israel,
According to His compassion and many kindnesses.
I once read a story about a missionary who had undergone a very difficult time in their service on the field for the Lord. They had tried everything but nothing had worked and so they were sitting in a mission station, getting ready to leave their field of service. Their eye fell upon a text on the wall of the station and a slogan which read, ‘have you tried PRAISE’? So they did just that, thanking Him for all His goodness and they cancelled their application to leave.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!
Be blessed today as you turn your eyes to our wonderful Lord.