Meditate can also mean to ‘Mutter’, speaking something over and over ‘to ourselves’, until it becomes a part of us.
Keep this Book of the Law always on your LIPS(in your MOUTH); meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (Many want the results without the application!) Joshua 1:8
God’s command to Joshua was ‘keep it on your lips/speak it out often’. When we repeat something our minds will inevitably be drawn to think about we’re saying, so God told Joshua to speak or mutter His Law.
In yesterday’s blog we recounted how the first generation of God’s people failed to enter into their inheritance, through ‘fear of man’. They wouldn’t face the giants in the land God had promised them.
Major General Frederick C Blesse (US Air Force) wrote a fighter tactics manual in 1955 with the stirring title, ‘NO GUTS, NO GLORY’. He was a highly decorated fighter pilot who’d often lived out what he’d written.
I came across a short article based on this title by Daphne Delay, ( Excerpt from the article;
“There’s a reason the devil pushes so hard to make you and I feel inferior. If he can get us to focus on our mistakes, or challenge our courage, he has hit us right in the gut.
And this is why I’m so passionate about helping you understand your righteousness in Christ. If you and I remain ignorant of how God sees us (through the blood of Christ and the exchange of His righteousness for our sin), we will also continue feeling inferior and we’ll never fully see the glory of God in our lives.
So, take up this motto with new inspiration today! You are the righteousness of God in Christ and you are crowned with glory and honour!”
In yesterday’s blog I stated that we would either be directed by the ‘Fear of God’ or the ‘fear of man’. God warned Joshua as leader of the people to continually focus on His Words and NOT LISTEN TO THE MAJORITY OPINION, FOR EXAMPLE THE 10 SPIES. It’s so easy, particularly in this age, to be influenced by the words of others who know nothing of God or His Plan for the close of this Age. Joshua needed to be ‘in step or in tune’ with God and His Plans and so will we!
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.” Winston Churchill
It’s interesting that I’ve quoted two military sources today, without any such intention. Joshua and Israel needed courage to go in and TAKE THEIR INHERITANCE AND I BELIEVE SO WILL WE IN THE CHURCH.
May the praise of God be in our mouths and a double-edged sword in our hands. Psalm 149:6
We’re almost at the end of another week and we’d ask again for those being blessed by Father’s Love Ministry for your support. Please donate today on our webpage;
The worker is worthy of their hire.
We’re available to seek personal words of encouragement and guidance for those who want them. We also counsel online for those wishing input. Please contact us on our webpage, a donation is normally required for this service.
God bless and keep you today.