God increases us in adversity, before He brings us into our Land of Promise.

Know for sure that GOD CAN KEEP YOU until He gets you where He wants you, your land of promise.

God doesn’t always work in straight lines, the shortest distance/most direct way, to our destination. He could do that because He’s God but He’s got His own reasons for doing things the way He does.

God told Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you (destination unknown)”. Gen 12:1 God then gave Abram a blessing, good things to anticipate, motivation for the journey and He may do the same for us today.

As we saw yesterday, God blessed Isaac in the Promised Land, but Issac’s wife Rebekah had to come from outside the Land.

Jacob, at Rebekah’s prompting, deceived Isaac and stole his brother’s blessing. Gen 27 Jacob had to flee his household and go back to his mother’s land and work for his uncle Laban many years. Jacob went out as a hired hand, watching over someone else’s stock, but in God’s time returned to the Promised Land with four wives and their families. God took him away as a single man and built a family line through him and prospered him.

Joseph went out alone, was sold into slavery and became ruler of Egypt. God had promised Abram,

Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and they will be enslaved and ill-treated for hundred years. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves and afterwards they will come out with great possessions. Genesis 15:13, 14

God took Israel out of their land and increased them to become a nation in Egypt, God’s blessing on them. Both Jacob and Joseph faced struggles in their new lands, but God INCREASED THEM IN THEIR DIFFICULTY. God has a place of blessing/promise for His people, but He trains us and builds us up in adversity before we come into the inheritance He has for each one of us.

Israel were scattered among the nations, their diaspora, after the time of Jesus, their Messiah. God has been regathering them back to the Promised Land in these days and once again they’re prospering in the Land. Jesus will return to His people in their Land and the Kingdom of God will come on Earth, God’s plans will not be defeated.

Don’t be disheartened today if you’re in difficulties and far removed from promises spoken over your life. God has not forgotten His children, He increases us in our time of adversity, before bringing us into His destiny for our lives.

God is able to keep us and increase us and ultimately He will bring us to Himself.

God bless and keep you today.


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