Are we (the Church) about to enter into an ‘Isaac Day’?
Isaac planted a crop IN THAT LAND and the SAME YEAR REAPED A HUNDREDFOLD because the Lord blessed him. Genesis 26:12
Genesis 26 begins with another famine, as Abraham’s time. Isaac was in the land of Abimelech, king of the Philistines in Gerar. God appeared to Isaac and said,
Do not go down to Egypt(in a time of famine there is a temptation to ‘go down’ to Egypt, the world system around us), live in the land where I tell you to live. Stay in this land for a while and I will bless you. Genesis 26:2, 3
It was important to God that Isaac trusted and obeyed Him. God was about to show Isaac that He could and would bless him even in a famine. Just because others are in want doesn’t mean you/we should be in need;
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want/lack. Psalm 1
Isaac planted IN THAT LAND (we need to be in the place where God would have us to be – maybe in our own hearts) and the same year reaped a hundredfold. Are we willing to receive all that God wants to give us, or do we have a doubt that He could be so kind and bless us so mightily? Many believers have lived so long in lack that it may be difficult for us to receive all that He has for us. Maybe we should stop now and tell Him, and keep telling Him, that we want all that He has for us. It’s not a one time blessing,
The man (Isaac) 1. BEGAN to grow WEALTHY 2. His WEALTH continued to GROW 3. Until he became very WEALTHY.
We will need resources to harvest the hundred fold harvest. We’ll all have different roles to play and we need to be supplied for that to happen. The world economy around us will be shaken, but God can still supply us abundantly for all He has for us to do.
He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him. Gen 26:14 They blocked the water for his livestock several times and he had to move on. Isaac had the blessing of God and he had wells but he had to move on and God allowed that. God may allow disturbances in our lives to get us to move to the place where He can bless us (and not others). In a recent blog I told the story of how Lydia Prince, wife of Derek, left a group of Arab women she’d ministered too and seen a mighty move of God with them. A man from a denomination claimed they had been there first and the work(well) was theirs. God opened up a new work with WW2 service personnel from all over North Africa. She moved and began to dig the new well that God had for her, she was flexible and obedient.
I believe that the Church is about to enter a time of great blessings and that the world system may be shaken. People may begin to look to the Church in the days ahead to have their needs met. It’s important that we’re in the place where God can bless and use us to reap the hundredfold harvest. Our vision may have to expand dramatically for this to take place. Ask the Lord to help us to come into that place where He can bless us.
God bless and keep you today.