Drink and I’ll water your camels too (Gen 24:44) – sometimes it pays to go the extra mile.
In November ‘97 four guys set out by car from N.Ireland to go to a conference in the far north east of Scotland, above Inverness. The conference was being run by a missionary organisation, (New Horizons?) in a real Scottish Castle. People came from across the U.K. and further afield, Iceland and the Faroe Islands. The setting was truly magnificent as the castle overlooked a gorge and it was well filled for the conference. We had only gone as visitors but the Lord gave me a message while we were there and I shared it at an evening meeting.
Genesis 24 is the story of Abraham, now elderly and following the death of his wife Sarah, Gen 23, seeking a bride for his son Isaac (means laughter). Abraham called his chief servant and made him swear on oath, to go to his father’s own people and get a bride for Isaac. So the servant left and travelled the long journey (just like ours to Inverness) to his master’s family. Rebekah came to the well to draw water and met the chief servant, who asked her for some water himself Gen 24:17. She immediately offered him some water and then miraculously fulfilled his condition for being Issac’s wife, by watering the camels too. Rebekah blessed those who’d come to her by giving them over and above what had been asked of her.
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
In the Genesis account, the Chief Servant gave Rebekah a gift for her help but then went to her family and paid the ‘bride price’ for her hand for his master’s son.
This account can also be interpreted for our own day; Abraham represents God the Father, Isaac is Jesus the Son and the Chief Servant is the Holy Spirit. God has sent His Spirit ‘to choose’ the bride/His Church for Jesus. The bride for the Lord is being chosen right now across the world, God is sifting a people to be with His Son for eternity. Jesus has paid for His Bride by giving His Life for us; He came to us on earth and offered His own life.
The Chief Servant wouldn’t tolerate any delay, Rebekah had to decide if she’d go with him at once. We all have to make our own choice, we’re not forced to follow the Holy Spirit.
Then the servant told Isaac all he had done. Isaac brought her into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he married Rebekah. So she became his wife, and he loved her; and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death. Gen 24:67
A love story with a happy ending, the bride consented to go with the Chief Servant or Holy Spirit and marry her prince (The Prince of Peace).
God bless and keep you today.