The Turning Points In our Lives make all the difference. 1Samuel 10:9, 15:27

There were two Turning Points In Saul’s life, both with very different outcomes.

As Saul TURNED TO LEAVE SAMUEL, God changed Saul’s heart and all these signs were fulfilled. 1 Samuel 10:9

God can move very quickly when He decides to do something, all the signs spoken of for Saul to be king happened at once. The key to the change, from livestock keeper to king, was TURNING TO OBEY GOD. As soon as Saul TURNED the Lord moved things quickly to fulfill His word.

God gave King Saul a command to go and completely destroy the wicked Amalakites for attacking Israel as the Lord led them up from Egypt. 1 Samuel 15:1-3. The command was specific, Saul was to put to death all the people and all their livestock, but he failed to fully obey God’s command.

Then the word of the Lord came to Samuel: “I am grieved that I have made Saul King, because he has TURNED AWAY FROM ME and has not carried out my instructions”. Samuel was troubled and he cried out to the Lord all that night. 1 Samuel 15:10, 11

Early in the morning Samuel got up and went to meet Saul. He eventually found him at Gilgal with his troops and with Agag king of the Amalakites and the livestock they had kept as plunder. 1 Samuel 15:19, 32

Saul eventually admitted that he’d disobeyed the Lord’s command through Samuel because, ‘I was afraid of the people and gave in to them’. 1 Samuel 15:24 He asked Samuel to come back with him and honour him before the elders of the people. This was the second turning point for Saul;

As Samuel TURNED TO LEAVE, Saul caught hold of the hem of his robe and it tore. Samuel said to him, “The Lord has torn the Kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to one of your neighbours – to one better than you”. 1 Samuel 15:27, 28

A prophetic confirmation that God had torn the kingdom from Saul and would give it to another, David, a man after God’s own heart.

The word ‘Repentance’ is associated with Turning Back to the Lord. God may be waiting for some of us to acknowledge today that we need to Turn Back and put things right with God. He can then move quickly on our behalf as He did for Saul.

Let the wicked forsake THEIR WAYS and the unrighteous THEIR THOUGHTS. Let them TURN TO THE LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. Isa 55:11

Turn Back to the Lord today, ask Him for forgiveness and for His plan for our life. His way is perfect, there’s no better plan for our lives than His Plan, it’s perfect just as He is.

God bless and keep you today.

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