Some lessons from Saul’s call to be King. 1 Samuel 9
God used Saul’s search for missing donkeys to direct him to His purposes, Kingship.
It’s said that it’s easier to redirect someone or something that’s moving than to get stationary objects moving. So the first lesson of Saul’s coming to his lifetime’s call may be that it’s better to be involved, to be active rather than static. V3 God can redirect our steps and He may use those around us in the process. ‘Take the servant with you’. V3
The servant walked with Saul much of the journey. V 4,5
The servant (speaks of other people, maybe close to us) knew about Samuel, God’s seer and the way to him. The servant had the silver to offer him for his service. V8
Samuel was the one who understood Saul’s true calling. V16 He had no idea himself of his future.
Other girls confirmed Samuel’s presence and told them to hurry, they needed to be with Samuel for a certain time. V12
They were received and honoured, Saul’s food, the best piece (indicative of his future) was provided there for him. V23
The most important part of this process may be that Saul could only find his calling alone with Samuel before God. His servant had to leave before that would be revealed. V27
The journey continues in 1 Samuel 10
“Then”, when the servant left, Samuel anointed Saul by pouring a flask of oil over his head. It’s important to note that the Lord revealed to another person that Saul was called. In 1 Cor 1:1 Paul’s letter to the Corinthians begins;
Paul, call to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes.
Paul’s calling as an apostle was the will of God and also sanctioned by a fellow believer, Sosthenes. A true calling should be recognised by other believers, though perhaps not all.
Saul was then given a series of steps to take and meeting with others, fellow Israelites (God doesn’t work in a vacuum, people are usually involved to some measure). Once again Saul was to given two loaves of bread which he was told to take, more provision. Finally, Saul was told to go to Gibeah, where he would meet a procession of prophets playing musical instruments and prophesying.
The spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. Once these SIGNS are fulfilled, do you whatever your hand finds to do for God is with you. 1 Samuel 10:6, 7
God’s calling will require the anointing of His Spirit to fulfill. If we can do it in our own strength, question if it’s a call from God. SIGNS may well accompany a calling, we serve a mighty God, nothing is too difficult for Him.
I trust that some of these pointers may help those seeking God’s way for their lives at this time. God will confirm that which His hand is in; so we can look for confirmations such as Saul received.
God bless and keep you today.