God has things He wants to share with us alone. 1 Samuel 9

Some things God wants to share with us will never be spoken in the presence of others, they’re for us alone!

Israel had demanded a king and Samuel told them, ‘everyone is to go back to his town’. 1 Samuel 8:22

The story now turns to a Benjamite called Kish and his young son named Saul. Kish had lost some donkeys and he sent Saul with a servant to look for them. God ordained this all, including the servant, it was wiser that Saul travelled with the servant than go alone. God may have ordained certain people to walk with us for a season in our own lives.

Saul and his servant spent some days looking for the donkeys without success. Sometimes we may be searching for something, like the donkeys, but the Lord has a different agenda. We may go somewhere with one intention, but God is guiding us to something of much greater importance. Some believers looking back on their lives can clearly see the hand of God guided them in their most important decisions.

They were about to turn back when the servant told Saul about a man of God, Samuel, who lived in a nearby town and who could help them. Saul had nothing to give the seer, an obstacle, but the servant had the money. God may appoint someone to pay your way to get you where and when He wants you to be. Don’t turn them down, receive their help.

As they went to the town they met some girls going to draw water and asked them, ‘if the seer was there’? God will make it abundantly clear how you’re to get to the place He has for you. He doesn’t mind repeating directions and sending help at each step as we move forward. Don’t be afraid to ask for confirmation, He will provide in different ways.

The girls told them, ‘Hurry now’, 1 Samuel 9:12, they needed to get there before the people sat down to eat and indeed this was God’s intention. God had revealed Saul’s visit to Samuel the previous day and Samuel was expecting him, but God again told Samuel that Saul was the man. Samuel told him the donkeys had been found 3 days ago, put his mind at rest about his concerns. Samuel sat Saul and his servant at the head of the table and had a leg of meat, already set aside, brought to Saul. We should expect to be received and honoured in the place God has for us! If we’re not then we need to ask if this is the right place and right time.

After they came down from the sacrifice, Samuel got ready to send Saul on his way.

“Tell the servant to go on ahead of us” – and the servant did so – “but you stay here a while, so that I may give you a message from God”. 1 Samuel 9:27

The servant had accompanied Saul, the Lord’s chosen as king for Israel, as far as he could. Samuel anointed Saul with oil before God, with no one else recorded present. There are certain things in our lives that God has for us and even those close to us won’t stand with us at these times. God wants to bless us alone with Himself.

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