The blessing of God is found in the secret place. Matt 6
Righteous acts done to impress, already have their reward!
Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men to be seen by them (check our motives). If you do you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. Matt 6:1
Jesus mentioned three different areas where people could do the right things but with wrong motives– to be seen by others, to seek to rise in others’ estimations. Nevertheless, they will be rewarded if done onto God alone!
The three areas are; 1. Giving to the needy 2. Praying 3. Fasting. If our faith is weak today perhaps we need to ask ourselves how closely we’re following Jesus’ teachings on these disciplines. Do we really believe that God will repay us for sacrificially giving, for giving up our time in prayer and missing some meals? Many in the Western world don’t lack for material things but if an emergency occurs, faith itself may be lacking.
Jesus begins speaking in each area with the word, ‘When’, not ‘if’. There’s an expectation that we participate in obeying these spiritual demands. So when you give the needy 6:2 When you pray 6:5 When you fast 6:16.
Jesus also warns us in all three areas about not following the ‘hypocrites’, people who outwardly appear to be doing something from good intentions but actually just want be seen. False motives equals zero rewards.
Finally, Jesus talks about the Father who sees what we’re doing (think about that, Almighty God is interested in our personal spiritual walk) and is looking for ways to bless us.
Then your father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:4, 6, 18
People are often seeking God for a blessing and Jesus says here in these verses three times, that if we’ll get into the secret place God knows it and will bless us. Perhaps we’ll also change and value time with Him more than people or the various screens in our lives. Why not make a start today and see what particular blessings and assignments God has for our lives.
God bless and keep you today.