Know for sure that we serve a STRONG AND LOVING GOD. Psalm 62:11,12

My soul fines rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I shall never be shaken. Psalm 62:1,2

Find rest, oh my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I shall not be shaken. Psalm 62:5,6

David, the man Samuel anointed to be king went through some very tough struggles, fleeing for his life many times. David says his soul, probably a very troubled soul at times finds rest in God alone – then HE COMMANDS HIS SOUL to find its rest in God alone. My Soul don’t look anywhere else but to God for comfort. The word ALONE is mentioned in each of these four verses so he’s emphasising the only place he can go for comfort, his only help, is the Lord.

He proclaims twice, ‘He/God is my rock and my salvation; He alone is my fortress, I shall never/not be shaken’. David’s often in desperate situations, but he keeps telling himself that God won’t fail him (we can and should affirm God’s faithfulness to our own souls!) and that God is bigger than anything or anybody who comes against him. David wrote these Praise Songs/Psalms in very tough times, he proved God while under severe threat and worshipped Him.

The words of the Psalm that have touched me most today are near the end of it, a final affirmation of God’s character;

One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that You, O God, are STRONG, AND that you, O Lord, are LOVING. Psalm 62:11,12

It’s one thing to be strong, many people in the world may be strong or powerful but strength accompanied with love is much less common. God is not just strong, He’s omnipotent (ALL Powerful), omniscient(ALL Knowing) and omnipresent (ALL Present/Everywhere). This God, who created you and I and the whole Universe, is Loving. He cares for us, our concerns and problems and is ever seeking to help us.

Know for certain this day that we serve a STRONG AND LOVING GOD.

God bless and keep you this day and every day.

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