What new things does God have ahead for us in the new days ahead? Joshua 5:11,12

The day after the Passover, that very day, they ate some of the produce of the land: unleavened bread and roasted grain. The manna stopped the day after they eat this food from the land; there was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate of the produce of Canaan. Joshua 5:11,12

The clock went back an hour(Falls back and in March Springs forward again) on Sunday morning from British Summer Time to Greenwich Mean Time. Not quite as dramatic as the Israelites entering Canaan, but very noticeable for the first few evenings, when it grows dark an hour earlier.

Israel had been banished to the wilderness for almost 40 years and suddenly they’d crossed the River Jordan into the Land God had promised them. God had miraculously opened the Jordan in flood, just as He’d done with the Red Sea coming out of Egypt. His people crossed over on dry ground to their new home. Suddenly everything was very different, instead of collecting manna every morning, except Sabbath, because they’d had to keep Sabbath in the wilderness. Now they had to drive out the Canaanites and occupy the land the Lord had marked out for them (struggles don’t necessarily mean we’re in the wrong place, God may be permitting us to be tested and grow up in Him). Believers today may have to overcome enemies within and without as we walk out our individual callings, but none of the enemies in Canaan were ever a match for Israel so long as the Lord was with them.

Nevertheless Israel had finally come into their land after a generation in the wilderness and had to adapt to their changed circumstances. They had to learn to work the land and within the cycles of the seasons, to plant and sow and then reap. The verses above say it all happened the DAY after Passover, which for the Believer represents New Birth in Christ/death of the old man. But then it goes on to say, ‘that YEAR’, they ate the produce of Canaan. Something happened at once, the food from heaven stopped, but that year they ate a richer, more varied diet form the land of their inheritance.

God has much to teach about the Land where He’s placed us and as we said, there may be struggles and opposition. God is incredibly creative and has a unique plan for each one of His Children, don’t be put off by difficulties, He wants to show each of us how to prosper/be blessed in our situations. The time had changed for Israel and their lives would never return to the old system. The time for that way of life was over, God had given them a whole new land to conquer and take charge of. Seek the Lord for the new things He has ahead for your life and don’t be daunted, ‘with God all things are possible’.

God bless and keep you today.

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