Obedience – the watershed or turning point of our lives.

Obedience – the watershed or turning point of our lives.

To God’s elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout … who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for OBEDIENCE to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood. 1 Peter 1:1,2

Peter’s first letter is addressed to God’s elect/chosen as strangers in this world (it’s important for the believers to realise that this world is not our final home). The introduction continues by mentioning all three members of the Godhead in one verse! ‘Believers’ chosen by the foreknowledge of the Father (we are a Chosen People, remember that), sanctified or washed by the Spirit for Obedience to Jesus Christ (Obedience  is the one thing here that we’re called to do) and sprinkled by His blood.

So there are 3 ‘S’ words; we are Strangers, we’re Scattered and we’re Sprinkled by His blood. But there is still the necessity of OBEDIENCE and that part alone is our responsibility.

I read a book a long time ago by James Michener, which started with a very vivid picture of a raindrop falling on high mountains somewhere in the continent of North America. Every drop to the west of a certain line, the watershed, flowed towards the Pacific Ocean and everything to the east of the line flowed to the Atlantic Ocean or maybe the Gulf of Mexico. Rain drops which only fell a very short distance apart at the beginning were separated by a whole continent at the end. Obedience is such a watershed for us, it will take our lives on a completely different journey to those around us, even those who may have been close to us for a time. Obedience to the Lord is a watershed!

We are all rebellious by nature but as Peter says God reached down and rescued us from the hand of the enemy. Not only that but He’s given us new hearts and put His Spirit within us to help us to obey Him and live in Obedience to Him in our daily lives.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:12

David had sinned with Bathsheba and had her husband, Uriah, murdered which was the reason he wrote this Psalm. God didn’t allow him to cover up the sin but exposed it and dealt with him, His chosen leader of the people, but David found forgiveness after repentance. It was full forgiveness, Solomon loved by God came through David’s wife Bathsheba. God extends forgiveness for all who humble themselves and repent, He’s our loving Saviour, but He does require us to walk in Obedience to Him.

God bless and keep you today as you walk out your life in Obedience to God.



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