Consider the lilies of the field, which do not labour or spin yet God cares for them. Luke 12:27,28

Two visual aids used in Jesus teaching- ravens and lilies.

There’s a bunch of lilies in our home just coming into bloom and I was thinking of Jesus words;

“Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these(very apt for a Jewish audience). If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, HOW MUCH MORE will He clothe you…” Luke 12:27,28 Matt 6:28,29,30

Jesus was telling the people NOT TO WORRY, but to CONSIDER(pause and think about, remember) how God clothes the lilies and feeds the birds. It’s ironic that there are also flocks of crows around us here in N.Ireland.

Life is more than food and the body more than clothes. V23

Food and clothes are two of mankind’s most basic needs, but Jesus tells us not to give way to fear, but to REMEMBER AND COUNT ON GOD’S FAITHFULNESS.

Jesus gave two warnings concerning our needs and possessions. The first was don’t worry, trust our loving God to help us and meet our needs. The second was at the other end of the scale, what to do when we’re blessed by God with abundance.

In Luke 12:13-31, the section before Jesus told His listeners not to worry, God knows our needs, He told the Parable of the Rich Fool. His land produced a good crop and he planned to build bigger barns to store up his wealth, but it wasn’t going to happen. God required his life from him that very night.

“This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich towards God”. Luke 12:21

We must decide whether our lives will be self-centred or God-centred. It was after this parable that Jesus told the people not to worry, God knew their needs and would help them.

God has spoken to me today through the flowers coming into full bloom(fulfilling their purpose in their short life) and the birds around our home, just as Jesus told the crowd. Is He trying to get your attention through something around you, to reassure you of His loving care for you, Abba’s child?

God bless and keep you this day and every day.

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