The Ten Day’s of Awe, a chance for a fresh beginning.
Take time to Realign!
Today on Spreaker we read through the long Chapter of Nehemiah 9, 38 verses. The exiles spent a quarter of the day listening to the Word of God being read and a quarter of the day confessing their sins and worshipping. They acknowledged ALL THAT GOD HAD DONE FOR THEM (a good first step and they remembered His Love and Faithfulness). We could say they spent a good chunk of time coming into ALIGNMENT with the Lord once again. It’s so easy for us to get out of Alignment with God, to go off doing our own thing, to forget what He has for us. Most machines e.g. cars, have to be serviced and be reset, so they continue to run well and safely. God built a period of time into the Jewish Calendar when His people could come before Him and reflect on their lives!
Nehemiah 9, tells the history of the Jews from God’s perspective, how He continually spoke to them but they didn’t listen. In Acts 7, Stephen, the first Christian martyr also recounted the history of God’s people, before returning to Heaven. These were two very significant times, in Nehemiah, return of the exiles and a fresh start for Israel. In Acts, the start of the Church on earth and a call to repent and realign with God’s new purpose on earth. This is a prophetic time in God’s Calendar to His people. Why not take some time during these days, before Yom Kippur on the 28th September and tell the Lord you want to realign with His purposes and plans for our lives. The Jewish exiles gave God time to speak to them, so should we.
God bless and keep you in these DAYS OF AWE(reverence for the Lord).