Proverbs 10:19 NIV,
When words are many sin is not absent,
but the one who holds their tongue is wise
The Message puts it succinctly,
The more talk, the less truth;
the wise measure their words.
A prophetic friend has taken this scripture to heart and is careful and measured in the use of their tongue. At times they are noticeably quiet in busy conversations when everyone else is jumping in to have their say.
Sometimes ill advised speaking can remove the presence of the Spirit in a group. I remember an occasion in a prayer time with just a few believers when I became exasperated by some things that had been spoken. Typically I no longer remember what was said, no longer important, but I do know that the presence or anointing was soon no longer present. Naturally, I felt sad at my part in interrupting the flow of the Spirit, particularly in a prayer time.
People who’s gifting involves using their mouths for God must be especially guarded in the use of their speaking.
Ecclesiastes 3 begins by saying, ‘that there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven’.
In 3:7b it goes on to say, ‘a time to be silent and a time to speak’
May God give us the wisdom to know when to speak and when to be silent today, perhaps the balance should be like my friend, speak less and listen more.
May you be blessed and more measured in your speaking today and every day.