Many believers will shine brighter in the darkness.

The God of Heaven will give us(insert your name and make it personal) success. Neh. 2:20

We saw yesterday that Nehemiah undertook a ‘nighttime exercise’ on his own horse and with just a few men. ‘He hadn’t told anyone what God had put in his heart to do for Jerusalem’. Neh 2:12

He went out in the darkness(a more difficult time), so the enemy couldn’t see what he was doing and oppose the work of God.

Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and we will no longer be in disgrace. …They replied, “Let us start rebuilding”.” So they began this good work. Neh 2:17, 18

I listened to a story recently by a believer who had been in a Special Forces unit of the army. He told how the men were all standing outside in the darkness and it was raining. They too were going on a ‘nighttime exercise’, in the mountains and all of them were subdued because of the cold and rain. The commander of the base came out to them and said he was personally going to lead them in this exercise. He told the men it was a ‘perfect night’ for their venture because no enemy would be about on a night like this. He set off and the men followed him, now in much better heart because their commander had encouraged them and was leading the way. Even these highly trained soldiers responded to someone they could believe in and who led the way himself, in the darkness, cold and rain. They completed the mission, because their commander gave them hope that the very conditions that made it tough for them, would keep an enemy inside and off guard.

Marios Ellinas, the former special forces’ soldier who went on that nighttime exercise in the mountains, said it stood out  in his memory. It’s often the challenging times that are the clearest in our memories(victory in/over adversity).

Marios believes that the TOUGHEST TIMES WILL BRING OUT THE BEST IN THE BELIEVERS! There are many examples of ordinary people doing extraordinary things in situations of extreme difficulty and danger.

Jesus, our leader, who has gone ahead of us said, “I will build My Church and the Gates of Hell WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT”. Matt 16:18


The greatest days for believers still lie ahead!

May God bless and keep us in challenging times and may His Name be glorified in us.

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