Can God’s voice be heard above the STATIC in our lives?
Now then, My children, LISTEN to Me(Wisdom speaking); Blessed are those who keep My Ways. LISTEN to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the one who LISTENS to me, WATCHING DAILY at my doors, WAITING at My doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord. But whoever fails to find me harms himself. Prov 8:32-36
Wisdom tells us three times in these verses to LISTEN and be wise. Blessing for the person who ‘WATCHES ‘DAILY’ AT MY DOORS, WAITING AT MY DOORWAY’.
I’ve felt nudges in my spirit for some time now(not good to be slow at following and obeying God’s promptings) that I need to jettison/throw overboard some things from my life, namely too much time spent on the Internet(I don’t watch TV). I feel that they have become a DISTRACTION in my life, keeping me from following the Lord AND HEARING HIS VOICE.
DISTRACTION, a thing(ANYTHING, different for each one) that PREVENTS us from CONCENTRATING on something or SOMEONE(Wisdom) else. Some similar words; diversion, interruption, intrusion, interference(like static on a radio).
We live in the age of the ‘Sound bite society’, many short snippets of information diced and chopped(Edited) for our consumption. We hear about many things but know little in any depth, we are superficial, skimming the surface. God is a Love God, a Jealous God, who’d doesn’t want to be competing for our hearts, but to have us all(ALL OF US) to Himself. He is looking for EARNEST SEEKERS, NOT CASUAL ENQUIRERS and that’s at least part of the reason so many of us are not hearing more from Heaven today. There’s too much else going on inside us for the voice of the Lord to be heard. We do need to be still and LISTEN.
I believe I may have quoted Todd Weatherly before;
FOCUS, an ACT OF CONCENTRATING on something or someone. Another definition, adapt to the current level of light and become able to see clearly. If we walk from one light level/room to another, it takes time for our eyes to adjust and see clearly. In seeking the things of God, we may need to refocus our spirits to see and hear more clearly. But if we’re continually absorbed by and TALKING ABOUT the things of this world, then it becomes more difficult to focus on the Lord and the things of His world, our real home.
I love those who love Me and those who seek Me find Me. Prov 8:17
May God give us hearts to seek and find Him today.
God bless and keep us all in these days.