On Monday evening Anne’s car went for its annual road worthiness test, which in N.Ireland is conducted in purpose built government centres. (Rest of the UK its done in private garages). We decided, due to its high mileage, just to clean the underbody of the car and await the inspector’s report. The car passed the test and is legal to drive for another twelve months.
Anne is very particular about her car and has always maintained it well. Faults are rectified promptly and properly, hence the car is still on the road despite its mileage.
Care and attention has prolonged the life of the vehicle. In dream interpretation vehicles often represent ministries. How many believers and ministries would pass such a test today?
Proverbs 27:23,24 NLT Know the state of your flocks and put your heart into caring for your herds. For riches don’t last forever and the crown might not be passed to the next generation!
Be blessed today in your service to the King today.